Veteran actor, Akrobeto, has added his two cents to the social media conflict Funny Face has been caught in with Lil Win, Kalybos and others.
Funny Face in the past few days has been ranting and wailing on social media over how Kalybos, Lil Win and Bismark The Joke have betrayed him. He also disclosed that his second marriage has also broken down because his pregnant wife has parked out of their marital home under the influence of Lil Win.
Talking about the social media brawl between the one time friends, Akrobeto on his Real News show advised his acting colleagues to cut the drama. “There was acting and comedy before we all came to this world, it is our time to continue it, therefore, let’s cut this drama because it will not help,” he said in Twi.
Akrobeto advised his colleagues that the same social media that projects their careers can as well be their downfall. He added that “Funny Face I don’t want you to say anything for something to happen for people to blame you… so please let’s draw the curtains down so that we live as one family”.
Watch the video below.