
SCREENSHOT:Funny Face Accuses Lil Win of Paying His Wife To Destroy Him

Actor Funny Face is currently facing emotional trauma after his wife left him with his twin girls despite being pregnant for 3 months.

According to Funny Face his wife has always threatened to leave him with his kids at any slightest provocation and he had to always keep quiet and obey her.

Comparing his ex-wife and the current one, he sees his ex-wife more of an angel.

Interestingly, Funny Face says its Kumawood actor Lil Win who paid his wife to destroy her by running away with their kids as well as selling him to bloggers.

It looks like Funny Face and Lil Win’s conflict is deeper than what is seen on the surface.


source pinaxonline

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Larry Adusei Programmer

Larry Adusei is the internet’s most notorious gossip columnist since 2008. I don't just write about the stars, i am one. An internet gossip phenom that breaks hot news at the right time just when you need it. Call or WhatsApp: 0546662114

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