
Screenshot: AMG Showboy Drops “Bomb”, Reveals How AMG Armani Has Been Chopping Female Rapper Freda Ryhmz On Lowkey

Convicted AMG Co-founder and CEO of 2 Hype Gang Show boy has made a shocking revelation concerning Freda Ryhmz and AMG Armani. In a tweet which has been sighted by our outfit, he disclosed that AMG Armani has been having his way with Freda Rhymz and that Freda Rhymz is the new AMG baby. This revelation tells us that AMG Armani might be in an amorous relationship with the rapper.

Showboy tweeted saying;

Freda Rhymes dey do in body like Eno be AMG artist dey fuck am Lowkey lol… AMG ARMANI keep spoiling there for me… FREDA BE OUR NEW AMG BABY…. SIS IN LAW A DEY GREAT YOU OOOH. MAKA AAH MAKA


Checkout the screenshot below;





source: pinaxonline.com

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Larry Adusei Programmer

Larry Adusei is the internet’s most notorious gossip columnist since 2008. I don't just write about the stars, i am one. An internet gossip phenom that breaks hot news at the right time just when you need it. Call or WhatsApp: 0546662114

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