
Highlife Musician-Nana Tuffour is Dead

Ghanaian musician-Nana Tuffour has died, chillxone.com can confirm. James Kwaku Tuffour a.k.a Nana Tuffour a.k.a. 9-9-2-4 is a renowned Highlife singer/songwriter.

A close source to the deceased has also confirmed his death to Andy Dosty on Hitz Fm a few minutes ago.

Nana Tuffour was born on Valentines Day 1954. The singer/songwriter spent his childhood in Kumasi, Ghana.

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Larry Adusei Programmer

Larry Adusei is the internet’s most notorious gossip columnist since 2008. I don't just write about the stars, i am one. An internet gossip phenom that breaks hot news at the right time just when you need it. Call or WhatsApp: 0546662114

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