
GH man cries as his wife goes to her ex-boyfriend for him to chop her wotowoto (Video)

A Ghanaian man has taken to Oyerepa Afutuo on Oyerepa  TV to call out his wife for cheating on him.

According to the man named Sammy, he caught his estranged wife having an affair with her former boyfriend, who is a married man.

Delving into detail, the visibly sad man said he got to find out about his wife’s infidelity through the ex-boyfriend’s wife.

He indicated his marriage began to crumble after he left Techiman and returned to Kumasi.

“She has told me that she is not ready to join me in Kumasi because our marriage is over. She also claims I am not the biological father of our child.”

The young man is now asking for his estranged wife to perform the necessary rites that would lead to the dissolution of the marriage if she truly meant what she told him.

He also wants to take a DNA test to verify claims by his wife that he had fathered someone else’s child.

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Larry Adusei Programmer

Larry Adusei is the internet’s most notorious gossip columnist since 2008. I don't just write about the stars, i am one. An internet gossip phenom that breaks hot news at the right time just when you need it. Call or WhatsApp: 0546662114

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